
Reference Information
Biological Active Additives
Classification of drugs and dietary supplements
Pharmaceutical industry

Vitamins are organic molecules (or related set of molecules) which are essential micronutrients that organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism. Vitamins do not provide organism with energy, but their role in human lives is invaluable. Cells do not synthesize the majority of vitamins; vitamins enter with food or a separate medicine in the necessary dosage.

The Main Functions of Vitamins:

- infection protection and other diseases;
- maintenance of metabolism and nerve system;
- bone and muscle formation;
- neutralization of the oxidative effect of free radicals.

Vitamins are divided into two groups:

- fat-soluble (А, Е, D, К);
- water-soluble (С, B vitamins, niacin, folate). Vitamin deficiency in nutrition leads to avitaminosis – an organism condition characterized by deterioration of skin, hair quality, apathy, digestion problems and so on.