Minskintercaps produced new BADs on phospholipid basis: Essenciguard Omega-3 and Essenciforce

Minskintercaps produced new BADs on phospholipid basis: Essenciguard Omega-3 and Essenciforce

Phospholipids… What and why are these so essential?

Phospholipids are fats being the main constructive unit of the cell membrane. They are mainly composed of essential fatty acids.
As phospholipids are in every cell of a human organism, their role is essential in supporting various functions during all the course of life. Phospholipids are responsible for cytoderm integrity. Further, they participate in enzymatic functions of cells.
Phospholipids are mainly found in liver, brain, heart and nerve cells. Phospholipid effect on nervous system is demonstrated in stimulation of signal normal passage from nerve fibers to brain, and backwards.
One of phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine) enhances blood supply to muscle tissue, providing energy to muscle, increases muscle tone and a human’s efficiency.
Phospholipid demand turns higher at the conditions of memory weakness, Alzheimer’s disease, liver toxic involvement, viral hepatitis A, B and C.
Let’s take a closer look at the important role of phospholipids exactly for liver, organ participating in digestion processes, blood circulation and every metabolism.
It’s worth noting, that hepatocytes are particularly vulnerable as they are continuously exposed to the exposure of toxins which should be evacuated from the organism.

When does the liver need help

Liver damage that can result in hepatic cell failure occurs due to various factors: constant alcohol ingestion, wrong diet, poor ecology, hepatotoxic drugs (hormones, antifungal, antibacterial drugs, chemotherapy).
For liver support apart from regular healthy nutrition, elimination of alcohol, it’s important to help hepatic cells in recovering damaged membranes. And for this purpose human’s organism experiences the demand in cell structural elements phospholipid supply. The stronger the cell phospholipid layer, the longer the cell integrity and correct liver functioning.
Phospholipids supplied with the drugs, has a positive effect on liver detoxification function and hepatocyte cell structure support taking on the toxic effect of damaging substances. Phospholipids enhance the recovering of hepatocytes under hepatic damage.

When and whom phospholipids are indicated to?

Minskintercaps produced Biological Active Additives with essential phospholipids in composition: Essenciforce and Essenciguard Omega-3.
Composition of one capsule of Biological Active Additive to food Essenciforce to support hepatic function:

  • essential phospholipids 300 mg;
  • Vitamin E 2 mg.
Essenciforce protects the cells off damaging agents (alcohol, toxins), stimulates the activation and activity of membrane enzymes (ATP) and receptors (Insulin).
Essenciforce is indicated for hepatic cell damage caused by alcohol or stupefacient intoxication, drug damage of liver.
Raw material for BAD Essenciforce manufacture is purchased in The Netherlands.

Composition of one capsule of Essenciguard Omega-3:
  • essential phospholipids 300 mg;
  • CLO (Omega-3 acids: Eicosapentaenoic acid 40 mg, Docosahexaenoic acid 45 mg).
Active substances in the composition of Essencigard Omega-3 are exceptionally important and necessary for an adequate activity of a human organism. Their deficiency in nutrition causes various disorders of essential vital essential signs and besides a complete synthesis of these substances in cells turns impossible.
Like phospholipids, Omega-3 CLO acids improve mental abilities on the whole (e.g.memory, concentration capacity, perception, successful learning), cardiovascular system conditions, hepatic cell function, and participate in lipid metabolism. These essential Omega-3 acids lower triglyceride level, decrease the propensity for thrombosis, for inflammations in vessel wall. Phospholipids in Essencigard Omega-3 stimulate lipid exchange in liver that promotes liver protection from adipose degeneration.

1–2 capsules of Essencigard Omega-3 two times daily for at least one month is administered to adults. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated 3–4 times annually. Essencigard Omega-3 assists in maintaining lipid exchange, cardiac health and brain cognitive functions.
Raw material for BAD Essencigard Omega-3 manufacture is purchased in The Netherlands and in Spain.