- Drugs
- Gastroenterology, Anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic products
Composition per capsule
Ursodeoxycholic acid - 250 mg. Package 50 capsules.
Pharmacological action
Hepatoprotective, choleretic, cholelitholitic, hypocholesteremic and certain immunomodulatory action.
Indications for usage
dissolution of cholesterol gallstones in patients with higher surgical risk and in patients after lithotripsy;
primary biliary cirrhosis of I and II stage;
primary sclerosing cholangitis;
hepatitis (chronic acute viral);
non alcoholic steatohepatitis;
hepatic toxic involvements (in particular, alcoholic, drug);
mucoviscidosis (liver cystic fibrosis);
biliary reflux-gastritis, biliary reflux-esofagite;
biliary dyspepsia, biliary dyskinesia;
cholestatic hepatic diseases in children;
cholestasis after liver transplantation.
Intake with meals. Dosage regime and treatment duration is indicated by physician. Medium dose 8-10 mg/kg/say during 6-12 months.